Friday 10 April 2015

The Fight Against Waste- City Management

City Management

It is evident that waste disposal in Port-of-Spain needs to be better managed. The means in which they are managed radiates the type of city and gives the presence of whether the area is the periphery or if it is just as developed as the CBD.  

The city has done much to put measures in place to encourage proper waste disposal however, looking at the type of waste in comparison to the size of the bins, it is clear that planning was not properly carried out. The government should include the opinions of the businessmen who produce the waste to provide better waste disposal facilities. Garbage bags are often too large to fit in trash cans and it is evident that they cater for the consumer and not the business people. The results of their lack of waste disposal facilities results in trash bags being piled up on sidewalks or left on the streets until the garbage truck passes by to collect it.

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